NGOs and Public Sector

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Empowering NGOs and public sector entities to lead the change in environmental conservation, Natural Habitat Bank offers tailored solutions, resources, and partnerships to support your unique needs. From policy guidance to project collaboration, we facilitate meaningful change at every level.

Organisations We Partner With

Local Nature Recovery Strategies (LNRS) offer a vital blueprint for local authorities to shape the mandates for developers. By dovetailing with these strategies, we jointly channel offsite BNG delivery to align with the ‘strategic significance’ score embedded in the Biodiversity Metric. Together, we achieve habitats that meet regulatory needs while being ecologically astute and beneficial.

Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs):

  • Environmental conservation groups
  • Community-based organisations
  • Research institutions
  • Wildlife protection agencies

Public Sector Entities:

  • Local government departments focusing on environment and sustainability
  • Public research organisations
  • Government agencies responsible for national parks and protected areas
  • Educational institutions engaged in environmental research
Large-Scale Biodiversity Restoration

What We Offer

Policy Guidance and Consultation: We provide comprehensive insights into biodiversity net gain policies, helping you integrate them into your organisational goals.

Project Collaboration: We welcome the opportunity to partner on ground-level projects aimed at conserving and enhancing natural habitats.

Educational Workshops and Seminars: Our team of experts can conduct workshops tailored to your needs, offering valuable know-how on implementing biodiversity net gain initiatives.

Resource Sharing: We offer a variety of downloadable reports, studies, and policy papers that can aid your organisational objectives.