Local Authorities

At Natural Habitat Bank, we believe in forging strong collaborations with local authorities. Our joint efforts not only ensure the provision of Habitat Banks to assist developers with their off-site gains, thereby preventing potential delays in planning applications, but crucially, our habitats are crafted in sync with local Green Infrastructure Strategies and Local Nature Recovery Strategies (LNRS).

Harnessing Local Nature Recovery Strategies for BNG

Local Nature Recovery Strategies (LNRS) offer a vital blueprint for local authorities to shape the mandates for developers. By dovetailing with these strategies, we jointly channel offsite BNG delivery to align with the ‘strategic significance’ score embedded in the Biodiversity Metric. Together, we achieve habitats that meet regulatory needs while being ecologically astute and beneficial.


Green Infrastructure Strategies: The Backbone of Sustainable Development

Green Infrastructure accentuates the synergy of green spaces, vital for enriching biodiversity within urban terrains. In partnership with local authorities, our habitat designs seamlessly fit these strategies, endorsing an ecological harmony that’s advantageous for both nature and local communities.

BNG and the Broader Local Plan

Embedding BNG into the Local Plan facilitates the integration of biodiversity into wider strategic targets of a locale. This holistic approach doesn’t only underscore comprehensive place-making but also supports local authorities in their progression in natural capital accounting, tapping into its myriad ecological and financial dividends.

In summation, our partnership model with local authorities is rooted in a shared aspiration for ecological rejuvenation and future-forward development. Collectively, our mission is to bolster broader nature recovery schemes, ensuring that local authorities are not merely compliant, but also pioneers in green stewardship.

External Monitoring & Compliance

The introduction of new biodiversity regulations has understandably placed additional responsibilities on local authorities, particularly in terms of monitoring and compliance. This can be a daunting prospect, especially with the intricate requirements and standards to adhere to.

Recognising this challenge, Natural Habitat Bank steps forward as a trusted ally. As pioneers in the field, we have honed our expertise to offer an outsourced solution to local authorities, shouldering the weight of compliance and ensuring adherence to the highest standards. Through our diligent monitoring and compliance services, we alleviate the burden on local authorities, ensuring that BNG is not only a goal but a reality.

By intertwining our expertise with the visions of local authorities, Natural Habitat Bank aims to be an indispensable partner in the journey towards ecological restoration and sustainability.